Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Celeb: Dinner @ Ben's KLCC


We are now at Ben's, KLCC... makan2 utk Hari Bapa, just the 3 of us.

The location was once used to be California Pizza Kitchen (CPK), now the ambience has changed, more relaxing, jazz musics are played... And the food, not bad I would say...

The father ordered Duck Confit Spaghetini, the father's son ordered chicken and mushroom pie, while the father's wife (that's me!) ordered Soft-shelled Crab Spaghetini. I love mine, truly recommended, and the price is of course, KLCC- priced... Oklah, boleh direpeat bila gaji masuk :)

To MAM, you are one truly great daddy to our son. May our love and the dedication to be great parents are blessed by Allah SWT. I love you with all my heart... Happy father's day to my arwah bapak... And of course, my FIL, too... love you!

The menu...

X tau kenapa dia buat mcm ni...

Daddy dan itiknya...

Can u spot my crab? Oh crap! My camera isn't high- end...

-BlogPress from my iPhone

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