Thursday, November 12, 2009

Moving forward...


A short & simple question that I always ask myself...

How much money do I need to retire?

Most financial consultants that approached me (unit trust or insurance agent) said, "you will never know... but a million and above should be sufficient to sustain your retirement period"...

Do you agree with this?

Skarang dah mmg banyak pakai duit, dah tua lagi banyak pakai duit????

haisshhh takutttttt....!

1 comment:

adriana az said...

hi roz dear :).hehehe..jgn la takut.actually mmg kita buat savings dgn unit trust so that after we retire we still heve sufficient money to spend for our expenses,pegi haj,children's uni,holidays ke..etc,etc.i'm an investor myself and i'm also a consultant with unit trust(shariah based).kalau u nak info lagi u can ask yr agent or u can email me