Monday, March 8, 2010

What Happened in Phuket...


This year's staff day (of current dept) was the last one for me since I'll move to a new dept next week (wef 15 March 2010)... this year's was in Phuket, Thailand...
I visited Phuket 2 years ago with MAM and AZA, but this year it was sure a crazy one... a few incidents happened...

Among others, a 'shemale' showed me and my friend, Af her 'I-sudah-potong' part... nope, not to us, but she showed her friend and we were there accidently, wrong place at the wrong time... talk about the shock of our lives! she was kinda excited, just lifted up her sundress, with no seluar kecik inside... Imagine that!!! We were stunned, and looked at each other and laughed hysterically... gila! Ini macam pon ada!

dunia... dunia...!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SCARY!!! I DON'T want to imagine that at all!